MTN pioneer status in Nigeria unchanged14 Mar 2005
MTN - MTN pioneer status in Nigeria unchanged                                   
MTN Group Limited                                                               
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                                  
(Registration number 1994/009584/06)                                            
Share code MTN                                                                  
ISIN ZAE000042164                                                               
MTN PIONEER STATUS IN NIGERIA UNCHANGED                                         
Notwithstanding speculation and otherwise in respect of a review of the pioneer 
status involving a tax holiday for a period of five years granted to all GSM    
operators in Nigeria, MTN Nigeria Communications Limited (`MTN Nigeria`) has    
valid certification in respect of such pioneer status.                          
This concession has given MTN an opportunity to increase the speed and extent of
its investment and infrastructure roll-out in Nigeria. To September 2004 MTN    
Nigeria has invested in excess of US$ 1,7 billion in infrastructure roll-out and
licence fees.                                                                   
MTN Nigeria`s GSM network infrastructure extends to approximately 56 percent of 
the population, covers more than 80 cities and towns and geographic coverage has
reached 278 000 km2.                                                            
14 March 2005                                                                   
Merrill Lynch South Africa