GOLD FIELDS LIMITED - Dealings in securities1 Dec 2022
Dealings in securities

Gold Fields Limited
(Reg. No. 1968/004880/06)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
ISIN Code:ZAE000018123
(“Gold Fields” or the “Company”)


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 - 3.74 of the Listings Requirements
of JSE Limited, shareholders are advised of the award of Conditional
Performance Shares (“PS”) to executives and directors of major
subsidiaries of the Company, in terms of the Gold Fields Limited 2012
Share Plan (as amended on 22 May 2018) and as set out below.

The PS are effective as at 1 March 2022 and have a three-year vesting
period. Vesting of PS will be determined by the Company after achieving
pre-determined performance conditions measured over a three-year
performance period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024.

Name of executive director           CI Griffith
Designation                          Executive director
Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of
                                     Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
Number of Shares                     129,738
Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
Market Price per share               R209.0092
Total Value                          R27,116,435
Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                     anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive director           PA Schmidt
Designation                          Executive director
Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of
                                     Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
Number of Shares                     75,565
Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
Market Price per share               R209.0092
Total Value                          R15,793,780
Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                     anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive                    R Bardien
Designation                          Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of
                                     Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
Number of Shares                     35,198
Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
Market Price per share               R209.0092
Total Value                          R7,356,705
Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                     anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive        NA Chohan
Designation              Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction    Off market acceptance of
                         Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date         30 November 2022
Number of Shares         45,357
Class of Security        Ordinary shares
Market Price per share   R209.0092
Total Value              R9,480,030
Vesting Period           The award vests on the third
                         anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest       Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive        TL Leishman
Designation              Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction    Off market acceptance of
                         Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date         02 December 2022
Number of Shares         40,361
Class of Security        Ordinary shares
Market Price per share   R209.0092
Total Value              R8,435,820
Vesting Period           The award vests on the third
                         anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest       Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive        S Mathews
Designation              Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction    Off market acceptance of
                         Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date         30 November 2022
Number of Shares         52,549
Class of Security        Ordinary shares
Market Price per share   R209.0092
Total Value              R10,983,224
Vesting Period           The award vests on the third
                         anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest       Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive        BJ Mattison
Designation              Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction    Off market acceptance of
                         Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date         30 November 2022
Number of Shares         49,295
Class of Security        Ordinary shares
Market Price per share   R209.0092
Total Value              R10,303,108
Vesting Period           The award vests on the third
                         anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest       Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive                     JK Mortoti
Designation                           Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction                 Off market acceptance of
                                      Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                      30 November 2022
Number of Shares                      7,390
Class of Security                     Ordinary Shares
Market Price per share                R209.0092
Total Value                           R1,544,577
Vesting Period                        The award vests on the third
                                      anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                    Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive                     M Preece
Designation                           Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction                 Off market acceptance of
                                      Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                      30 November 2022
Number of Shares                      57,390
Class of Security                     Ordinary shares
Market Price per share                R209.0092
Total Value                           R11,995,037
Vesting Period                        The award vests on the third
                                      anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                    Direct and Beneficial

Name of executive                    L Rivera
Designation                          Prescribed officer
Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of
                                     Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
Number of Shares                     56,698
Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
Market Price per share               R209.0092
Total Value                          R11,850,403
Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                     anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

Name of director of major subsidiary A Munt
Designation                          Director of Gold Fields
                                     Australia (Pty) Ltd
Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of
                                     Conditional Performance Shares
Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
Number of Shares                     5,815
Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
Market Price per share               R209.0092
Total Value                          R1,215 388
Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                     anniversary following grant date
Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

Name of director of major subsidiary P Matete
Designation                          Director Gold Fields JV Holdings
                                     (Pty) Ltd
Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of Conditional
                                      Performance Shares
Transaction Date                      30 November 2022
Number of Shares                      3,838
Class of Security                     Ordinary shares
Market Price per share                R209.0092
Total Value                           R802,177
 Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                      anniversary following grant date
 Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

 Name of director of major subsidiary B Mokoatle
 Designation                          Director Gold Fields JV Holdings
                                      (Pty) Ltd
 Nature of transaction                Off market acceptance of Conditional
                                      Performance Shares
 Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
 Number of Shares                     7,667
 Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
 Market Price per share               R209.0092
 Total Value                          R1,602,473
 Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                      anniversary following grant date
 Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

 Name of director of major subsidiary G Ovens
 Designation                          Director of Gold Fields Australia
                                      (Pty) Ltd
 Nature of transaction                Off  market  acceptance  of
                                      Conditional Performance Shares
 Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
 Number of Shares                     8,926
 Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
 Market Price per share               R209.0092
 Total Value                          R1,865,616
 Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                      anniversary following grant date
 Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

 Name of director of major subsidiary P Woodhouse
 Designation                          Director of Gold Fields Australia
                                      (Pty) Ltd
 Nature of transaction                Off  market  acceptance  of
                                      Conditional Performance Shares
 Transaction Date                     30 November 2022
 Number of Shares                     7,164
 Class of Security                    Ordinary shares
 Market Price per share               R209.0092
 Total Value                          R1,497,342
 Vesting Period                       The award vests on the third
                                      anniversary following grant date
 Nature of interest                   Direct and Beneficial

Clearance to deal has been obtained in terms of 3.66 of the Listings Requirements

Date 01 December 2022
J.P.Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Date: 01-12-2022 04:44:00
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