Dealings in securities

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1957/001979/06)
JSE Share code: IMP
ISIN: ZAE000083648
(“Implats” or the “Company”)


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.65 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, notice is
hereby given of the following dealings by the directors, prescribed officers and company secretary
of Implats, after having received clearance to do so in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited
Listings Requirements.

The transactions below were pursuant to the on-market exercise of the Performance Share Plan
(PSP) in terms of the Company’s Long-Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) which requires participants to
either (a) sell the vested shares (b) sell enough shares to cover the taxes due on the vested shares
or (c) retain the vested shares and deliver in cash the amount due to cover the taxes on the vested
shares. The tax event takes place on the day that the shares vest to the participant.

Name:                                NJ Muller
Designation:                         Executive Director
Company:                             Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                     Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:               On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                  Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                 9 December 2021
Number of shares vested and
shares sold:                         236 004
Average price per share:             R215.31
Lowest price per share:              R214.43
Highest price per share:             R218.00
Value of transaction:                R50 814 021.24

Name:                                M Kerber
Designation:                         Executive Director
Company:                             Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                     Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:               On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                  Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                 8 December 2021
Number of shares vested and
shares sold:                         76 136
Average price per share:             R215.86
Lowest price per share:              R214.00
Highest price per share:             R222.40
Value of transaction:                R16 434 716.96
Name:                                LN Samuel
Designation:                         Executive Director
Company:                             Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                     Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:               On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                  Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                 13 December 2021
Number of shares vested:             94 834
Number of shares sold:               43 542
Average price per share:             R207.5192
Value of transaction:                R9 035 801.01

The participant elected to retain 51 292 shares, and the shares that have been sold are to cover
the taxes due on the shares that have vested.

Name:                                K Pillay
Designation:                         Prescribed Officer
Company:                             Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                     Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:               On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                  Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                 9 December 2021
Number of shares vested and
shares sold:                         41 587
Average price per share:             R215.31
Lowest price per share:              R214.43
Highest price per share:             R218.00
Value of transaction:                R8 954 096.97

Name:                                GS Potgieter
Designation:                         Prescribed Officer
Company:                             Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                     Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:               On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                  Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                 9 December 2021
Number of shares vested and
shares sold:                         137 060
Average price per share:             R216.40
Lowest price per share:              R214.43
Highest price per share:             R219.50
Value of transaction:                R29 659 784.00

Name:                                J Theron
Designation:                         Prescribed Officer
Company:                             Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                     Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:               On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                  Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                 9 December 2021
Number of shares vested:             68 522
Number of shares sold:               31 862
Average price per share:             R215.31
Lowest price per share:              R214.43                                                                                      
Highest price per share:             R218.00
Value of transaction:                R6 860 207.22

The participant elected to retain 36 660 shares, and the shares that have been sold are to cover
the taxes due on the shares that have vested.

Name:                                 TT Llale
Designation:                          Company Secretary
Company:                              Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Class of shares:                      Ordinary shares of no par value
Nature of transaction:                On market sale of vested shares in terms of the PSP
Nature of interest:                   Direct Beneficial
Date of transaction:                  9 December 2021
Number of shares vested and
shares sold:                          31 990
Average price per share:              R216.40
Lowest price per share:               R214.43
Highest price per share:              R219.50
Value of transaction:                 R6 922 636.00

Johan Theron
T: +27 (0) 11 731 9013/43
M: +27 (0) 82 809 0166

Alice Lourens
T: +27 (0) 11 731 9033/43
M: +27 (0) 82 498 3608

Emma Townshend
E-mail :
T : +27 (0) 21 794 8345
M : +27 (0) 82 415 3770

14 December 2021

Sponsor to Implats
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 14-12-2021 03:20:00
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