GOLD FIELDS LIMITED - Gold Fields publishes 2017 I28 Mar 2018
GFI 201803280062A
Gold Fields publishes 2017 Integrated Annual Report

Gold Fields Limited
Reg. No. 1968/004880/06)
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share Code: GFI
ISIN Code: ZAE000018123


Gold Fields publishes 2017 Integrated Annual Report

Johannesburg, 28 March 2018: Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields)
(JSE, NYSE: GFI) today published its Integrated Annual Report
2017 (IAR) and a number of associated reports on its website.

These are the statutory Annual Financial Report 2017, including
the Governance Report, containing the audited separate and
consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December
2017, the 2017 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Supplement,
the Notice to Shareholders of the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
and Gold Fields’ Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Content Index
for the IAR. The IAR will be posted to shareholders on Thursday,
29 March 2018.

The IAR and the Annual Financial Report incorporate all aspects
of the Group’s business, including reviews of the South African,
West African, Australian and South American operations, the
Group’s project activities, as well as detailed financial,
operational and sustainable development information.

KPMG Inc. have audited the financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2017, including the Annual Financial Report,
and their unmodified audit report is open for inspection at the
Company’s offices.

The financial statements in the Annual Financial Report contain
modifications to the preliminary reviewed condensed consolidated
financial statements published on SENS on 14 February 2018. See
“Correction of methodology” below.

The Integrated Annual Report, the Notice to Shareholders of the
AGM, the Annual Financial Report, the Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves Supplement and the GRI Content Index are
available at

Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Supplement 2017

The Gold Fields Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Supplement
2017 contains a comprehensive overview of Gold Fields’ Mineral
Resource and Mineral Reserve status as well as a detailed
breakdown for its operations and projects.
As at 31 December 2017, Gold Fields had attributable gold Mineral
Reserves of 49 million ounces (2016: 48 million ounces) and gold
Mineral Resources of 104 million ounces (2016: 101 million
ounces). In addition, the attributable copper Mineral Reserves
totalled 764 million pounds (2016: 454 million pounds) and copper
Mineral Resources 4,881 million pounds (2016: 5,813 million
pounds). Stated figures are net of annual production depletion.

The SAMREC Code compliant Mineral Reserves are based on gold and
copper prices of US$1,200/oz (A$1,600/oz, R525,000/kg) and
US$2.50/lb (increasing to US$2.80/lb from 2020 onwards),
respectively. Relevant tonnes, grades, classification,
reconciliations and Competent Persons are detailed in the

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Notice is given to Shareholders of the AGM of the Company to be
held at 150 Helen Road, Sandown, Sandton, on Tuesday, 22 May 2018
at 15:00. The AGM will transact the business as stated in the
Notice of that meeting, a copy of which can be found with the
Integrated Annual Report on the company’s website at

In terms of section 59(1) (b) of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008,
the record date for the purpose of determining which shareholders
are entitled to participate in and vote at the AGM (being the
date on which a shareholder must be registered in the Company’s
securities register in order to participate in and vote at the
AGM) is Friday, 11 May 2018. Therefore the last day to trade in
order to be registered in the Company’s securities register as at
the record date is Tuesday, 8 May 2017.

Correction of methodology

The financial statements in this report contain modifications to
the preliminary reviewed condensed consolidated financial
statements published on SENS on 14 February 2018.

Subsequent to 14 February 2018, as a result of a Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) comment letter received by the Company
in August 2017, the Company concluded that prior years’
understatement of the amortisation of the mineral rights asset at
the Australian operations was material to the 2017 consolidated
financial statements and therefore restated the prior years’
consolidated financial statements in terms of IAS 8, Accounting
Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. In the
preliminary reviewed condensed consolidated financial statements
the prior years’ understatement was accounted for in the 2017
financial year and not in the prior years, as subsequently
During the year ended 31 December 2017, the Group corrected the
amortisation methodology for the mineral rights assets at the
Australian operations. Prior to the correction in methodology,
the total mineral rights asset capitalised at the Australian
operations was amortised on a units-of-production basis over a
useful life that exceeded Proved and Probable reserves. The
amortisation methodology was revised in order to divide the total
mineral rights asset capitalised at the respective operations
into a depreciable and a non-depreciable component. The
depreciable component is then amortised over the estimated Proved
and Probable reserves of the respective Australian mines on the
units-of-production method. For further details, refer to
accounting policies.

An amount of US$23.2 million (US$16.3 million after taxation),
representing 3% of the total amortisation and depreciation
charge, was included in the preliminary reviewed consolidated
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 in
respect of correcting the understatement of amortisation relating
to prior years. In the 2017 annual financial statements this has
been reversed from the 2017 year and recognised in prior years.

The impact on the consolidated income statements, in respect of
each of the affected financial statement line items, of the
restatements is as follows:

 Financial        Amortisation Deferred                Net
 year                          tax                     effect
 2016 (1)         6.7                  (2.0)           4.7
 2015 (2)         7.4                  (2.2)           5.2
 Prior            9.1                  (2.7)           6.4
 Total            23.2                 (6.9)           16.3

1 The amortisation charge of US$6.7 million represents 1% of the total amortisation and depreciation
charge of US$671.4 million for 2016
2 The amortisation charge of US$7.4 million represents 1% of the total amortisation and depreciation
charge of US$591.5 million for 2015

                                UNITED STATES DOLLAR

                                31 December 2017                                 31 December 2016

                                As                  Adjustments    As            As             Adjustme       As
                                reported                           restated      reported       nts            restat
                                in                                 in            in                            ed in
                                preliminar                         audited       prelimin                      audite
                                y reviewed                         consolid      ary                           d
                                consolidat                         ated          reviewed                      consol
                                ed                                 financial     consolid                      idated
                                financial                                        ated                          financ
                                statements                         statemen      financia                      ial
                                                                   ts            l                             statem
                                                                                 statemen                      ents
Continuing operations           US$ million                                      US$ million

Revenue                                2 761.8                 -      2 761.8         2 666.4              -    2 666.4
Cost of sales                         (2 128.3)          23.2        (2 105.1)      (1 994.6)        (6.6)     (2 001.2)
Others                                 (504.3)                 -       (504.3)        (307.8)              -    (307.8)
Profit before taxation                   129.2           23.2           152.4          364.0         (6.6)        357.4

Mining and income taxation             (166.3)           (6.9)         (173.2)        (191.5)         2.0       (189.5)

(Loss)/profit from continuing           (37.1)           16.3           (20.8)         172.5         (4.6)        167.9
Profit from discontinued                  13.1                 -         13.1             1.2              -        1.2
operations, net of taxation
(Loss)/profit for the year              (24.0)           16.3            (7.7)         173.7         (4.6)        169.1

(Loss)/profit attributable
- Owners of the parent                   (35.0)          16.3           (18.7)         162.8         (4.6)        158.2
- Non controlling interest                11.0                 -         11.0            10.9              -       10.9
                                        (24.0)           16.3            (7.7)         173.7         (4.6)        169.1
(Loss)/earnings per share
attributable to owners of the
Basic (loss)/earnings per                     (6)           2              (4)            20           (1)           19
share from continuing
operations- cents

Diluted (loss)/earnings per                   (6)           2              (4)            20           (1)           19
share from continuing
operations- cents

Headline earnings per share                   24            2              26             25           (1)           24
from continuing operations -

All unaffected financial statement items have been grouped
together as “others”.

The impact on the consolidated statements of financial position,
in respect of each of the affected financial statement line
items, of the restatements is as follows:

                      UNITED STATES DOLLAR

                      31 December 2017                         31 December 2016

                      As reported in     Adjustm   As          As          Adjustmen   As
                      preliminary        ents      restated    reported    ts          restated
                      reviewed                     in          in                      in
                      consolidated                 audited     prelimina               audited
                      financial                    consolida   ry                      consolida
                      statements                   ted         reviewed                ted
                                                   financial   consolida               financial
                                                   statement   ted                     statement
                                                   s           financial               s
                      US$ million                              US$ million
Property, plant and       4 892.9            -      4 892.9     4 547.8     (23.2)      4 524.6
Retained earnings        (1 473.1)         2.0     (1 471.1)   (1 570.9)     18.3      (1 552.6)
Deferred taxation         (453.9)            -      (453.9)     (465.5)      6.9        (458.6)

There was no impact on the consolidated statements of cash flows
as the correction in methodology was non-cash. For further
details, refer to note 40 of the consolidated financial



Avishkar Nagaser
Tel: +27 11 562-9775
Mobile: +27 82 312 8692
Email :

Thomas Mengel
Tel: +27 11 562 9849
Mobile: +27 72 493 5170


Sven Lunsche
Tel: +27 11 562-9763
Mobile: +27 83 260 9279
Email   :


Notes to editors

About Gold Fields

Gold Fields Limited is a globally diversified gold producer with
seven operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa,
and a total attributable annual gold-equivalent production of
approximately 2.2 million ounces. It has attributable gold
Mineral Reserves of around 49 million ounces and gold Mineral
Resources of around 104 million ounces. Attributable copper
Mineral Reserves total 764 million pounds and Mineral Resources
4,881 million pounds. Gold Fields has a primary listing on the
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Limited, with secondary
listings on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Swiss
Exchange (SIX).

Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd

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